Friday, February 26, 2016

Storm at Ceibwr Bay

Cruel sea's fingers
claw the cliffs,
as drownings die.

Clinging to the rocks
two tearing worlds,
swollen ships sail by.

The swell snatches
catching their skin,
opal-ed eyes petrify.

Mad mesmerizing-s swirl
black-iced wings sore high,
common starlings flash by.

The stark white
of a singular curved gull,
a silver knife in the sky.

Sea's salty lips split
broken as the cliffs,
loud screams intensify.

A seal raises it's head
above the chopping sea,
hardly visible to the eye.

And dolphins leap
under rain-soaked sheep,
as the storms go racing by.

© Wendy Smit-Taylor 2015

Sea Storm

The Great Storm

Sea Storm.

The hand of the great storm
bends the bow of the willow
and whips the sea to foam…
The long stretched waves
drawn as gum along the tongue
are molten in the stride;
they roll their licorice-black
into the stew pot of its eye;
the mist rises 1000 meters high;
the boat rocks and holds its course.

There is an overwhelming sense;
might and unbounded strength
in this wild untamed auditorium.
Spread under imponderable stars
lit by the surround of the moon
commanding the tugging tides;
the churning of its orchestra
demands the gulls to dance
to the lift and rise of rhythm;
yet beyond its deafening...

a voice calls...

© Wendy Smit-Taylor 2016

Friday, March 20, 2015

True Colors

True Colors

Would that the world
Could see thro' my eyes.
Not the black
Nor the white.
Let color fill our sight.

© Wendy Smit-Taylor 2015

Eclipse of the sun 20 March 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

This poem is about the images of Alzheimer - it is a mistake to think that someone who is ill with Alzheimer has forgotten how to love. Alzheimer is an illness - a thief.
Those who love us, need us. Go to them.

 Love Me-mory

I am water in a well
Laying deep
I look at the sun

Like a plucked cuckoo
In a strange nest
I don't fit or belong

My feathers are gone
Who put me here
Where I have no tongue

I am a sideboard
Standing by the wall
Stiff and wooden

Yet no-one knows
What is hidden
Look at me

I am a crust
Dried on the outside
Left in a box

Rub me into crumbs
Feed me to the birds
Birds can fly

I am a lost key
That fits no door
Locks have changed

I walk in muddled dreams
In corridors
That never meet

The doors of my life
Are closing
Imprisoned in my skin

There deep within
I do love you
I will always love you

Is not in my melting
It is in my heart.

© Wendy Smit-Taylor 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Bubbling of Poetry

shifts aside all greys of thoughts.

Awakening the ghost of singular gulls

dawning against the fresh pink of morning.

Flocks of bachelor birds tumble and delight,

turning, twisting, in-visible flight.

They play and command the skies.

And with the rising of first light,

stillness sounds ...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

flowers shiver in the cold
willows bend
reeds wave in the pond 
summer is almost at its end.
gulls labour through the pinking mist
spots of cows on far hills
nibble on fields above the sea
small houses dot the hillsides
brilliant white,
emerging into clear, crisp sunlight.
wagtails hop
a cast of sea gulls lift into the air
then settle among the cows.
honking geese fly overhead
with questionable navigation.
their voiced heard
echoing against the cliffs of the sea.
© Wendy Smit-Taylor

Etched - Legacy

Letter to an unknown soldier

            it is an honor to be able to remember and thank all those that are no longer with us. 
           all gone, but they laid a legacy for us so that we can sit and write in peace, living in
           the kind of world that they laid down their lives for. it makes me terribly conscious of
           the responsibility that we have - to live good lives, and every so often - go out there 
          and clean our own doorstep! brush away the dirt of conflict, even when it comes in
          tiny little packages.

Etched - Legacy.

Does the shattering of shells
bring peace...?
In the far, far distance
Thunders the echo’s of war.

Your chair is empty Charlie.
Your photo stands on the mantelpiece
Above the fire place;
Between the black clock
And the packet of playing cards,
All browned
With the stain of your fingers.

The mirror above the fireplace
Is as empty as your chair.
It does not catch your reflection,
It does not show it to me.
But if I look hard Charlie
I can see you
Engraved in its memory
Scratched in its glass;
Familiar lines
Cut somewhere deep inside,
As they are cut in me.
Deep inside.

Let us be your mirror Charlie
So that we will never forget your face;
Familiar to every generation,
Cut deep into the mirror-glass of our nation.

© Wendy Smit-Taylor

Etched - Legacy.

Does the shattering of shells
bring peace...?
In the far, far distance
Thunders the echo’s of war.

Your chair is empty Charlie.
Your photo stands on the mantelpiece
Above the fire place;
Between the black clock
And the packet of playing cards,
All browned
With the stain of your fingers.

The mirror above the fireplace
Is as empty as your chair.
It does not catch your reflection,
It does not show it to me
But if I look hard Charlie
I can see you
Engraved in its memory
Scratched in its glass;
Familiar lines
Cut somewhere deep inside,
As they are cut in me.
Deep inside.

Let us be your mirror Charlie
So that we will never forget your face;
Familiar to every generation,
Cut deep into the mirror-glass of our nation.

© Wendy Smit-Taylor
Letter to an unknown Soldier - 2014