This poem is about the images of Alzheimer - it is a mistake to think that someone who is ill with Alzheimer has forgotten how to love. Alzheimer is an illness - a thief.
Those who love us, need us. Go to them.
Love Me-mory
Those who love us, need us. Go to them.
Love Me-mory
I am water in a well
Laying deep
I look at the sun
Like a plucked cuckoo
In a strange nest
I don't fit or belong
My feathers are gone
Who put me here
Where I have no tongue
I am a sideboard
Standing by the wall
Stiff and wooden
Yet no-one knows
What is hidden
Look at me
I am a crust
Dried on the outside
Left in a box
Rub me into crumbs
Feed me to the birds
Birds can fly
I am a lost key
That fits no door
Locks have changed
I walk in muddled dreams
In corridors
That never meet
The doors of my life
Are closing
Imprisoned in my skin
There deep within
I do love you
I will always love you
Is not in my melting
Is not in my melting
It is in my heart.
Wendy Smit-Taylor 2015