Saturday, February 21, 2015

This poem is about the images of Alzheimer - it is a mistake to think that someone who is ill with Alzheimer has forgotten how to love. Alzheimer is an illness - a thief.
Those who love us, need us. Go to them.

 Love Me-mory

I am water in a well
Laying deep
I look at the sun

Like a plucked cuckoo
In a strange nest
I don't fit or belong

My feathers are gone
Who put me here
Where I have no tongue

I am a sideboard
Standing by the wall
Stiff and wooden

Yet no-one knows
What is hidden
Look at me

I am a crust
Dried on the outside
Left in a box

Rub me into crumbs
Feed me to the birds
Birds can fly

I am a lost key
That fits no door
Locks have changed

I walk in muddled dreams
In corridors
That never meet

The doors of my life
Are closing
Imprisoned in my skin

There deep within
I do love you
I will always love you

Is not in my melting
It is in my heart.

© Wendy Smit-Taylor 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Bubbling of Poetry

shifts aside all greys of thoughts.

Awakening the ghost of singular gulls

dawning against the fresh pink of morning.

Flocks of bachelor birds tumble and delight,

turning, twisting, in-visible flight.

They play and command the skies.

And with the rising of first light,

stillness sounds ...